• Booking systems for hotels, guesthouses and B&Bs


Frequently Asked Questions

Here are some common questions - feel free to contact us if you have any queries and we shall be happy to help.

Book My Rooms online booking system helps you deliver a better service in your hotel or B&B by filling those vacant rooms efficiently and dealing with all the paperwork online.

Without needing to man your reception constantly, this increases your capacity. Busy customers really appreciate a quick and easy way of booking a room without even one phone call and when something is easy, people tend to do it more.

A booking system can be set up to remind your customers of special deals and offers to stimulate more off the cuff bookings. If customers book and pay a deposit there and then, they are less likely to cancel, too, and the money goes directly to your account.

A booking system aims to pay for itself in time, as it deals with so many of the routine tasks that take up Reception time and offers the singular advantage of creating a paper free environment for your workplace.

In our online society, paper is becoming obsolete; people are going straight to their phones to see where they can find a service and once on your website if they can quickly find and book what they require easily - they will do.

So let us help you capture all that traffic and make it easy for customers to book exactly what they need, straight from your website.

A booking system has a wide range of management aids and works alongside your own website.

Busy customers really appreciate a quick and easy way of booking a room without even one phone call.  They will be impressed at your efficient, seamless booking service and it makes your services look a lot more up market right from the start.

If they can book the room they need straight from your website with a few clicks whilst on the train home, from their bed at night - 24/7 whenever the fancy takes them, pay their deposit and get an acknowledgement straightaway, then you will capture all those spur of the moment bookings as well as the regular ones.

Even if by only 10 per cent this makes a huge difference to your profit and you get more business from your booking system’s efficiency.

Yes we do - we make booking software suitable for use in many other situations. We have a range of ready made booking systems for such services as hairdressers, builders, driving instructors etc.

The basic models have many features which can be switched on or off which means they can be converted into an online booking system for almost any kind of business.

Online booking systems help many businesses manage their workload and save on staff/reception costs as well as enabling a paper free environment.

If you would like to discuss how a booking system could benefit your business, for a discussion with no obligation, please contact us.

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